I’m not really sure why, we in Atlanta, pay so little attention to the critical details of a Home. These are the elements that bring the home to life and allow it to truly become inspiring. A builder friend of mine, who happened to be very successful at his profession, once told me that in order to succeed in our market, you have to build what the people are asking for. I believe that here in lies the dilemma. Most consumers are not aware of the finer treatments that go into a Well Composed Home and thus do not know what to ask for. You guys may remember that I have a passion for beautiful windows and entry doors. Well – I also hold interior doors in the same high regard. This is an area where we can have an incredible impact on the character of the Home for a relatively low material cost upgrade. Keep in mind, the labor end of things will be exactly the same as installing the cheap units. And, do you know what I am referring to when I speak of the “Cheap Units”. Basically, it is a what is commonly known as the masonite door. Or what I like to refer to as the paper door. A masonite door is a composition of layers of paper applied over a cardboard shell creating a formed profile that is supposed to resemble a raised panel door. Not very substantial at all. Amazingly however, these units are installed in at least 98% (my number based off of pure perception – absolutely not a hard fact) of the homes in this great city.

So how do we overcome this trend?

I will often speak to clients about the more subtle qualities of a true interior door like the solidness of the way in which the door closes, the heaviness of its feel or the depth of its details and yet unless someone can put their hands on the unit and see it in action, they have a hard time grasping the significance of these intricacies. Plus, without a personal, previous experience of living with such doors, my claims seldom seem to resonate. With all that being said, I believe the only way to capture the attention of the client is to show how such units will not only enhance the composition of the entire space but will also express both the personality of the homeowner and the home alike.

Jones Pierce Architects Project Currently Under Construction

This room is amazing. Especially with the way the interior doors connect with the window and with the way the headband ties everything together. All of the pieces are integrated.

From the Portfolio of Harrison Design Associates

Here, we have a 4 panel door. By itself, it is not too dramatic, but, notice how it picks up on the proportion of the custom windows and unifies the space.

From the Portfolio of Castro Design Studio

Castro gets it. Notice how the linen closet door is framed to emulate the inset panels of the cabinetry. Pretty crafty.

From the Portfolio of Spitzmiller and Norris

Talk about adding style to a room. These doors definitely embody the class that this Home deserves. Anything less would have been disrespectful.

From the Portfolio of McAlpine Tankersley

And here, Bobby McAlpine knocks it out of the park. these panels are very similar to those in the previous photo, yet, by simply changing the door color itself, they are now both extremely dramatic and amazingly comfortable. I feel that this is the unifying element that brings this whole space together. Absolutely Well Done.
If you have a project coming up and would consider having some top quality interior doors entered into the mix, our friends at Insidesign can certainly help. They have a beautiful showroom in the heart of Dunwoody that offers up a wonderful shopping experience.
To see more work from the featured architects, you can click here and go straight to their sites.

Thanks for checking in and as Always ~

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